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SRK Headshot Day

Pick A Photographer With A System Pick a photographer that brings out the best in each employee. Give their portfolio a view and then interview them. Make sure the photographer can make your people look the way you want them to look. But remember, the photographer needs to be a partner now and in the […]

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SRK Headshot Day

Location headshots, also called environmental portraits, help show someone in context or place a subject in an interesting background. Some factors that make a successful location portrait are lighting, planning, scouting, and weather conditions. Learn more in this post.

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SRK Headshot Day

The SRK Headshot Evaluator will tell you if you need a new headshot based on 5 categories of evaluation: Professionalism, Crop, Background, Wardrobe and Expression. Take this short quiz to size up your profile pic.

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